23 01 2025
Stretch Structures | News
Retractable tunnels enable efficient embarking and disembarking for airplane and cruise liner passengers by providing protection from the weather and creating safe pathways from the terminal and vessels.
airport, cruise liner, passenger boarding, retractable tunnel, safe boarding, safe pathways
17 11 2022
Stretch Structures | Guides
Retractable tunnelsĀ are a versatile solution to any industry, from player tunnels & weatherproof walkways to temporary warehouses.
chase centre, chicagocubs, construction covered walkways, covered walkways, extendable tunnels, guiliobarbieri, OHS walkways, playertunnel, retractable tunnel, retractable tunnels, retractabletunnel, social distancing solution, stretchtents, temporary storage, tunnel, tunnels, wrigleystadium