7 07 2019
Igloo geodesic domes are ideal for both temporary or permanent shelter. Custom branded skins offer clients a unique surface for their logo or artwork.
6 07 2019
Covered by Canvas now offer stretch tents for hire to complement their traditional canvas pole tent marquees. A compliment to stretch tents’ versatility.
4 06 2019
We chat to Gabbi Murrell from Event Avenue to get great insights into their experience of using versatile Stretch Tents for boutique outdoor events.
3 06 2019
NIXUS Rescue Structures protecting you from the elements. We’ve got you covered in a matter of minutes, because shelter is a basic human need!
3 06 2019
What’s inside a stretch tent that makes it such a strong, reliable structure? We look at pole types and accessories that work hard for you.
6 05 2019
How to grow your rental business with clever inventory management. A case study of how Stretch Tents durability and flexibility lead to value for money.
6 05 2019
We offer you top quality and long lasting printing to ensure that you get maximum brand impact.
4 04 2019
Brand activation is the art of driving consumer action through brand interaction and user experience. In this article Stretch Structures highlights two client case studies.
4 04 2019
Why buying a standalone tent and then stretch tent accessories later is more expensive vs buying a tent and pole pack all in one go!
11 03 2019
Inflatable Structures from the Stretch team come in a standard range that are readily available or you can talk to us about your custom design requirements.