Festival Fascinations

Stretch tent with truss stage
Music to our ears… Music festivals are at an all time high. If it’s bespoke entertainment that makes your music festival experience unique and memorable, then these guys are playing your tune! It’s at these events that you really see how the event organizers and coordinators have applied themselves. They’ve got you covered and have …

Wedded Bliss – which 2016 trends will inspire you!

It’s amazing how trends evolve over the years. Just when you think every last inspirational idea has been thought up, along comes something new and, without question – beautiful, ready for you to take and make your own. We’ve picked a few of our favourite styles that are trending in 2016 – we think you’ll …

Events with Attitude in 2016

Happy New Year! Yes, we know we’re a little late, but happy 2016! Now, we won’t start asking the usual questions: Set any goals for the year? Turning over a new leaf? And you don’t even want to know what we think of New Years Resolutions! Suffice to say that we are more the esoteric-type …

Summer events filled with colour and inspiration

Photo credit image: Cliff Brunk Those lucky enough to find themselves in the southern hemisphere right about now are being treated to a whole lot of warmth and sunshine. Find inspiration in the season and think ‘outside the box’ to please your guests and make a lasting impression, whether it be a summer wedding or …

How to survive planning an event.

4 ways to help you survive planning even the biggest of events:
Below are 4 ways to help you survive planning even the biggest of events:  1. Organise and have a clear plan “Failing to plan is planning to fail.” –Alan Lakein Planning, checklists, and great organising is the holy grail for event planners. And with good reason! It’s well worth spending your time organising and planning to …

“Imagination will take you everywhere”, says Stuart Johnstone.

Sand coloured freeform stretch tents
Read his insights into the events industry and business more generally here: About my business Business name: Stretch Marquees & Fabric Structures I run a company producing innovative and unique outdoor event tents. Designed to provide a bit of fun and colour to outdoor events. Along with helping brands get the most from their outdoor …

Introducing the AXION Flower

AXION Flower
Introducing our new innovative inflatable AXION flower. The unique design of the FLOWER is inspired by nature. Sure to grab attention at any event, promotion or festival. The FLOWER is a combination of market leading design and materials . The shape of the structure is produced using a patented system of high pressure pneumatic tubes, …

How to Draw a Large Crowd to your Events.

Is there anything worse than putting your blood, sweat, and tears into an event and having no one show up? Not only is this frustrating to an event planner, it is costly and doesn’t help your company achieve it’s objectives. Take steps to ensure your event is well attended and well worth your effort.  Start …

A Candid Discussion

Stretch fabric tents
WHAT TO EXPECT FROM THE CREATIVE TEAM AT STRETCH IN 2015/ 2016 The designers at Stretch Structures have always been in the forefront of designing structures that are contemporary, different and eye popping.  Here is a insight into their ideas and thoughts: What new shapes/configurations do you offer, and what shapes/configurations do you have on …